Legal Notice & Risk Warning for PTGM LLP

Introduction: PTGM LLP, registriert und operierend im Vereinigten Königreich, bietet auf dieser Website Informationen und Dienstleistungen, die sich auf die weitergabe von Mails und Supportanfragen die ausschlieslich über Mail getätigt werden. Alle anderen Kommunikationskanäle werden von der The Fund Holdings Ltd. übernommen which is an international business company registered and regulated in St. Lucia beziehen. Unser Ziel ist es, Kunden und Interessenten mit qualitativ hochwertigen Dienstleistungen zu unterstützen und zu informieren.

Risk Warning: Financial products and services carry a high level of risk, including the potential loss of all invested capital. These offerings may not be suitable for every investor, and it’s essential to fully understand the risks involved. We encourage you to conduct thorough research and consider seeking independent financial advice.

Regulatory Information: PTGM LLP operates in compliance with UK financial regulations. We act as an information provider and do not offer financial advice or directly sell financial products. Any reference to financial services provided by The Fund Holdings Ltd. which is an international business company registered and regulated in St. Lucia , which is regulated under the laws of St. Lucia, is provided for information purposes only.

Geographical Restrictions: Please note that the services and information provided on this website are not intended for residents of countries where such distribution or use would contravene local laws or regulations. Specifically, PTGM LLP does not offer services to residents of the UK, EU, and certain other jurisdictions as listed in the detailed restrictions of our st. lucischen partner, The Fund Holdings Ltd. which is an international business company registered and regulated in St. Lucia .

We do not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions such as Afghanistan, Albania, American Samoa, Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Botswana, Canda, Central African Republic, China, Crimea and Sevastopol, Cuba, North Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, Serbia, Sevastopol, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, The Taliban, The United States, Tunisia, Ukraine,
US Virgin Islands, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

No Liability for Third-Party Links: This website may contain referral links or references to services provided by The Fund Holdings Ltd. which is an international business company registered and regulated in St. Lucia . PTGM LLP is not responsible for the content or accuracy of external sites linked from our website, nor do we endorse or assume liability for the services provided by third parties.

Contact Information: For further information about our services or any regulatory queries, please contact us at:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +44163485983

This Legal Notice is intended to inform you about the nature of our services and the legal framework within which we operate. It is subject to change and update in accordance with legal requirements and our commitment to transparency and customer service.

Regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK covers various activities that might require a licence and others that are exempt. The provision of information alone, especially if it is not considered investment advice, investment brokerage or a direct offering of financial products, often falls under the category of non-regulated activities. However, the specific legal framework and interpretation of what qualifies as a licensed financial promotion or consultancy is complex and may vary depending on the circumstances.

The detailed rules and guidance that determine what is and is not subject to licensing can be found in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), the Financial Promotion Order (FPO) based on it and other FCA guidance. Specific exemptions and the definition of non-regulated activities are subject to change and are subject to the FCA’s interpretation and guidance.

It is difficult to present a direct excerpt that specifically states that the mere provision of information is not subject to licensing without the context of the specific service or information. However, the FCA Guidance and the FPO provide guidance on the circumstances under which communication or information provision could be considered non-regulated activities. For example, if the information:

  1. are objective and non-advisory,
  2. Do not include specific investment recommendations,
  3. Do not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell financial products.

Legal notice regarding content responsibility and product information:

PTGM LLP, based in Great Britain, operates this website as an information platform. We would like to inform our visitors that all content, including information about products and services, provided on this website is the sole responsibility of „The Funds Holding Ltd.“ lie, a company registered under the laws of Saint Lucia.

The information presented on our website is based on the legal notices and product details as provided by „The Funds Holding Ltd.“ were published. PTGM LLP assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness or reliability of this information. Any liability in relation to the content and product range lies solely with “The Funds Holding Ltd.”.

For detailed legal information, including full disclosure of content responsibility and product information from „The Funds Holding Ltd.“, please visit [].

This clarification is intended to enhance our users‘ understanding of the structure and responsibilities within our partnership with „The Funds Holding Ltd.“ to improve. We emphasize that PTGM LLP acts as an information platform and has no direct legal or financial obligations with respect to the products and services presented on this website with „The Funds Holding Ltd.“ lay.