Author name: admin

The separation of the stock market and the economy

TELEGRAM KANAL TELEGRAM KANAL BEITRETEN The separation of the stock market and the economy This is how the rationale for supporting the “bull market” narrative is currently being presented. However, it is worth questioning the validity of this statement. During the economic standstill in 2020 and the subsequent market recovery, I formulated: “A significant contrast […]

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Forecast for the increase in the share of electricity in final energy demand by 2050

TELEGRAM KANAL TELEGRAM KANAL BEITRETEN Forecast for the increase in the share of electricity in final energy demand by 2050 The share of electricity in final energy demand is expected to increase dramatically from 20 % to 70 % by 2050. This change will bring about a revolutionary shift in the way society generates and

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Government debt

TELEGRAM KANAL TELEGRAM KANAL BEITRETEN Government debt As Washington continues to be stuck in a seemingly endless spending spiral, with the belief that “spending more money” is always the right solution, it is essential to address the issue of debt and budget deficits. To understand how debt and deficits affect economic growth, we need to

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